Dyslexia and links to Sensory Processing Difficulties?

Is your child falling behind at school? Are they struggling with signs of dyslexia and finding learning to read and/or write is difficult?  Did you know that signs of dyslexia are often linked to immaturities in areas of sensory processing? Can you answer YES to any of these? Easily losing their place when reading, skips […]

Success Stories – How an Holistic Approach Supports Learning

Rear view of multi ethnic group of school kids playing tug of war in playground

Behaviours are what we see on the surface. They are our children’s way of letting us know they are struggling. When we look beneath the behaviours we see learning difficulties and gaps in early stages of development. The solution is to address the “why”. We can do this by going back and “filling in the […]

What is Family Therapy and who is it for?

Young family with small children in summer nature at sunset.

We are all born into an ongoing family story. Our early experiences shape who we are. They also shape our adult relationships, and how we parent. Families can be a source of immense joy … and great frustration. Family therapy can help you move through some of those relationship challenges. Who is Family Therapy For?  Family […]

9 Tips for Home Schooling

I home-schooled my daughter by choice for several years, and have absolutely no regrets. It really was a beautiful time for us both, and allowed us to build the foundation for a lovely close relationship. These are some of my top tips that I learnt during this time. I hope they help you. Regular Movement […]

9 Tips for School Readiness

Learning, whether in the classroom or elsewhere, is based on a strong foundation of sensory and motor skills. These skills can be developed through simple everyday activities, where your child has the opportunity to develop their physical and emotional awareness. Time spent developing these skills early on will pay massive dividends in the long run, […]

Couples Counselling

Relationships are never static. Our partners can bring out both the best and the worst in us, and there is always the potential to learn and grow together. Perhaps you find yourselves arguing more often, disagreeing about parenting issues, or having arguments that keep going round in circles. Maybe you are struggling to agree on […]

Parenting and Family Support

We all want to raise happy, healthy children, but sometimes their behaviours can leave us feeling frustrated and at a loss to know what to do. This is where parenting and family support counselling sessions can help The good news is that once we learn how to read the meaning behind the behaviours, everything changes. […]

Time-0uts – Why they don’t work and what you can do instead

So you’re over the toddler tantrums, the meltdowns and teenage mood swings and would like to find alternatives to punishment and time-out, but are not sure where to turn. You have realised that these approaches don’t work, and are often make things even worse, but are unsure what else to try. Rest assured, there are other, […]

Beating the Lockdown Blues

Is life in lockdown getting you down? Maybe you’re aware of a vague sense of unease, something you just can’t quite put your finger on? Or perhaps you are feeling trapped, caught in a loop where you can’t find your way out? Many of us are missing family members living interstate, or being able to […]

Time-Out for Parents

There’s an old saying “you can’t pour from an empty vessel”. It’s hard to be present with your children and other family members if you can’t be present with yourself. The answer is time-out for parents. You’ve probably noticed that your children seem to act out more when you are tired. They sense the tension […]