What is Family Therapy and who is it for?
We are all born into an ongoing family story. Our early experiences shape who we are. They also shape our adult relationships, and how we parent. Families can be a source of immense joy … and great frustration. Family therapy can help you move through some of those relationship challenges. Who is Family Therapy For? Family […]
Parenting and Family Support
We all want to raise happy, healthy children, but sometimes their behaviours can leave us feeling frustrated and at a loss to know what to do. This is where parenting and family support counselling sessions can help The good news is that once we learn how to read the meaning behind the behaviours, everything changes. […]
Time-0ut – Why they don’t work and what you can do instead
So you’re over the toddler tantrums, the meltdowns and teenage mood swings and would like to find alternatives to punishment and time-out, but are not sure where to turn. You have realised that these approaches don’t work, and are often make things even worse, but are unsure what else to try. Rest assured, there are other, […]
Time-Out for Parents
There’s an old saying “you can’t pour from an empty vessel”. It’s hard to be present with your children and other family members if you can’t be present with yourself. The answer is time-out for parents. You’ve probably noticed that your children seem to act out more when you are tired. They sense the tension […]
Tips to Prepare your Child for Starting School
Is your child ready for school? Learning, whether in the classroom or elsewhere, is based on a strong foundation of sensory and motor skills. These activities will support your child’s natural development, which is essential for efficient classroom learning. Not only that, but you are preparing them for lifelong learning in all its forms – […]
Understanding Teenagers and Adolescents
Adolescence is generally considered to be the period between ages 12 to 24. It’s a time when your young person is challenging the status quo, pushing boundaries and starting to question almost everything. The good news is these are normal behaviours, although they may vary in intensity between families, or even individual children. Not the […]
Home Schooling
Does the thought of home schooling terrify you? You’re probably not alone. I would like to share with you some of the positive experiences I had as a home schooling parent and offer some tips to help make it an enjoyable time for you and your children. Make it Fun Make it fun. This is […]
Back to School after the Holidays
Going back to school after the holidays may bring some unexpected challenges. You might notice mood swings, tears, anger or increased stress and tension. All of these are normal behaviours in a time of transition, and are your child’s way of expressing some overwhelming feelings. For many children, time at home has been a pleasant […]
Raising a Securely Attached Child
Raising a secure child is not always easy, particularly in today’s world. All parents want to do their best, but can sometimes we can feel a bit stuck and unsure. This is normal, particularly if your own childhood was difficult. The good news is that it is possible to change the story, and you don’t […]
Toddler Tantrums
Toddler tantrums. It happens to all of us. That moment when your toddler completely “loses it”. You feel frustrated, embarrassed and totally at a loss to know what to do. Your toddler is expressing some really big feelings here. They’ve probably been sending out signals for a while, but in your need to focus on […]