Development Delay and Links to Classroom Learning

Development delay makes classroom struggles a familiar story. Many children find the intensity and variety of classroom sensations completely overwhelming. This feeling of overwhelm makes it difficult to concentrate and pay attention. More than Just Trying Harder For these children, learning is more that simply a matter of trying harder. Generally smart, they often feel dumb […]

Dyslexia – an Holistic View

Are you worried that your child might have signs of dyslexia, or other learning difficulties? Learning to read seems simple enough. After all, how hard can it be to interpret those symbols on the page? For many, however, classroom reading instruction is the beginning of a lifetime of struggle, anxiety, embarrassment, shame and poor self […]

Listening and Auditory Processing Difficulties

Is your child struggling with listening or auditory processing difficulties. Maybe you’re noticing signs of anxiety, or other challenging behaviours? Perhaps they are struggling to keep up at school? You know your child can hear, but how well can they listen, or understand what they are hearing? The Difference Between Hearing and Listening Maybe you […]

Understanding Learning Difficulties and Challenging Behaviours

Starting school is an exciting time, and parents always have great hopes for their children’s future. However, for many children, life in the classroom can be quite overwhelming. This feeling of overwhelm may increase anxiety, resulting in learning and behavioural challenges. These behaviours are often seen as signs of autism, ADD, ADHD or dyslexia, with teachers […]

ADHD – An Holistic View

Parenting a restless and impulsive child can be challenging, with parents often becoming concerned that their child has signs of ADHD.  An assessment can  lead to a diagnosis that your child has some sort of disorder. However, an holistic view sees ADHD simply as a collection of behaviours. Looking beneath these behaviours , we often […]