Understanding Teenagers and Adolescents

Adolescence is generally considered to be the period between ages 12 to 24. It’s a time when your young person is challenging the status quo, pushing boundaries and starting to question almost everything. The good news is these are normal behaviours, although they may vary in intensity between families, or even individual children. This is […]

Online Counselling

Online counselling is suitable for anyone who would like help with dealing with stresses and tensions in your life. Without the need to travel, sessions can be timed to fit in with busy work and family commitments. Sometimes seeing a counsellor can feel a bit daunting, as with any new experience.  Connecting online can make […]

Trauma as Unhealed Wounds

We each have our own way of reacting to trauma. These are often learned patterns of behaviour based on our experiences in childhood. They will surface when we feel threatened, such as with the covid pandemic and the bushfires in January 2020. For many of us, these threats have created a sense of fear and […]

Home Schooling

Does the thought of home schooling terrify you? You’re probably not alone. I would like to share with you some of the positive experiences I had as a home schooling parent and offer some tips to help make it an enjoyable time for you and your children.  Make it Fun Make it fun. This is […]

Recovery From The Bushfires

We’ve all had a traumatic experience with the bushfires early in 2020. No-one who lived through this can have escaped without some level of emotional disturbance. For many, this experience has been profound. Understanding Trauma Trauma is not what happens to us, but how our bodies respond to what happens to us. Many of us […]

Returning to School after Lockdown

Returning to school after lockdown may bring some unexpected challenges. You might notice mood swings, tears, anger or increased stress and tension. All of this is normal in a period of adjustment. For many children, learning at home has been a pleasant reprieve from the pressure of being in a classroom. Going back to school, […]

Raising a Securely Attached Child

Raising a secure child is not always easy, particularly in today’s world. All parents want to do their best, but can sometimes we can feel a bit stuck and unsure. This is normal,  particularly if your own childhood was difficult. The good news is that it is possible to change the story, and you don’t […]

Toddler Tantrums

Toddler tantrums. It happens to all of us. That moment when your toddler completely “loses it”. You feel frustrated, embarrassed and totally at a loss to know what to do. Your toddler is expressing some really big feelings here. They’ve probably been sending out signals for a while, but in your need to focus on […]

Attachment Styles in Relationships

Have you ever wondered what it is that draws people together, and what it is that pulls you apart in relationships? Perhaps the answer lies in your attachment style.  Our attachment styles develop during childhood, possibly even before birth. They describe a child’s relationship with their parents, later becoming unconscious patterns of behaviour in adult […]

Meltdowns and Mood Swings

Are you worried that your child’s meltdowns and mood swings might be  signs of ADHD? Do you ever find yourself completely at a loss, with no idea how to respond? You’ve probably worked out that systems of punishment, time-outs and rewards are rarely, if ever, successful, but what else is there? Responding Rather than Reacting […]