Beating the Lockdown Blues

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Is life in lockdown getting you down?

Maybe you’re aware of a vague sense of unease, something you just can’t quite put your finger on?

Or perhaps you are feeling trapped, caught in a loop where you can’t find your way out?

Many of us are missing family members living interstate, or being able to catch up with friends.

Maybe you are compensating by snacking, overeating or using other addictive behaviours to block the feelings of pain and uncertainty?

A Vague Sense of Unease

When Covid re-surfaced in June I became aware of a vague sense of unease. It reminded me of the feeling I had during the bushfires in January 2020, as though there was  an unseen enemy, somewhere out there. I couldn’t see this ”enemy” but was sensing a threatening presence.

I’ve also been aware of a feeling of “stuckness”. I want to go somewhere, and move on with my life, but something is stopping me.

The parent/grandparent part of me is missing seeing my family living interstate.

I’m noticing that many others are experiencing similar feelings. I’ve also become aware of a general feeling of despondency as I talk to people.

Talking to a therapist can help, and I must say I felt much more at ease after speaking with my counsellor. Regular personal therapy is a requirement of my accreditation with PACFA, and an essential part of being able to offer support to clients. 

Seeing a therapist doesn’t have to be scary, or even hard work. Sometimes, it’s even lots of fun, and healing can happen without us always realising that we are processing something.

Current Trauma Amplifying Past Fears

The disturbing sensations I was experiencing were triggering similar experiences from earlier in my life. My therapist helped me to process these sensations. As a result, I feel much more emotionally balanced and able to be present with the challenges that life is throwing at me now.

Beating the Lockdown Blues

The more we can do to help ourselves, the more we can lift our mood. Filling your own emotional cup is the first step in being able to help others. Self-care can help move from feelings of anxiety and depression to finding confidence and self esteem.

Some things I found helpful with beating the lockdown blues include:

  • Exercise is known to boost mood, especially when shared with a friend. 
  • Creativity can also give a sense of achievement – another mood booster. There are so many you-tube guides to learning a new craft – painting, sewing, knitting embroidery are just a few
  • Some like to sing and dance – in private if you’re self-conscious. Move your body, stretch your vocal chords…
  • Something else I like to do is to have some flowers in the house, especially the indoor orchids that last for simply ages. 
  • I also find peace in the soft ambience of a lighted candle in the evening.
  • The simple pleasure of being out in nature can really help – walking through the bush, enjoying the healing power of trees, listening to the birds, finding tiny flowers hidden in the grass…
  • Learn something new. I like to do online courses – not everyone’s “cup of tea” … but I feel I am using my time productively
  • Messaging, phone calls and FaceTime can lesson the distance between families, and little children love it when someone reads them a story, even when done via zoom.
  • Here’s another thing – I’m finding that trying out new recipes is also a form of self-care


Reaching Out

I offer a healing space where you can feel seen, heard, understood and supported to process whatever is worrying you. No issue is too small or insignificant to bring to therapy.

Asking for help is not a sign of failure. Rather, it takes courage to reach out.

Sessions are available by phone, online via zoom, or in person at my office. For online sessions you will need a private space where you can’t be interrupted, and a reliable internet connection.

The Next Step

Seeing a Counsellor or Psychotherapist can help you to identify when those feelings os distress are starting to surface in your body. You can learn how to acknowledge, reflect on and discharge them safely, responding rather than getting too caught up in what is, for all of us, a stressful situation.

You take your car to a specialist when it’s not running properly, so why not take yourself to a therapist when you are struggling emotionally?

A PACFA accredited Holistic Counsellor and Psychotherapist, Rosalind is also a Registered NDIS Provider, Circle of Security Facilitator and approved Victims Services Counsellor.

Sessions are available in person at Moruya South Head, and online via zoom.

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